Code Zone 2022, the annual summer coding program for teens and pre-teens, with this being the fourth edition successfully came to an end on August 31, 2022 and it was amidst a standing ovation from parents and participants of the program.
Before the commencement of the program this year we had significant support from the media Business Day, The Nation Independent, Business Traffic, Trust Africa News, Business Watch
The one month long program that started on August 1st 2022 had participants register for HTML, CSS & JavaScript classes. Most of the participants had no knowledge of what coding entails neither had they used a code editor before, however within the space of one month they were able to showcase their learnings by presenting website designs in their areas of interest. This year the areas of interest for our participants cut across, Games, Sports, Food, Books, Fashion, Skincare, Movies.

L-R Bolu Babatunde Instructor, Olufunke Akinloye Founder Code Zone for Teens & Pre Teens, Michael Umoren Lead Instructor, Anthony Achoba Instructor at the closing presentation of Code Zone 2022
Olufunke Akinloye, initiator Code Zone, said ‘Every year we feel privileged to have the opportunity to make impact and sow seeds of greatness in the lives of the young ones. Some of our previous participants have become professionals in programming because they upskilled further after the program, this gives us so much joy’.

Code Zone 2022 Final Presentation Day
She also went on to say ‘One of the reasons we have been consistent with quality output showcased through participants’ presentations year on year is the commitment of our instructors led by Michael Umoren and for this we are so grateful’
Emmanuel Olley, 14 a participant of Code Zone 2022 said he enjoyed participating in the program, as he has learnt a lot about HTML & CSS, he has been able to bring his area of interest to life through his project called Diamond wears.

L-R Bolu Babatunde Instructor, Olufunke Akinloye Founder Code Zone for Teens & Pre Teens, Michael Umoren Lead Instructor, Anthony Achoba Instructor at the closing presentation of Code Zone 2022
Feranmi Ojo, 18, another participant in the JavaScript class, interested in Skin Care expressed gratitude to her parents for registering her for the coding program. She said she has learnt so much building on the limited HTML knowledge she had before joining the program. Now within one month she has mastered HTML, CSS & fast becoming pro in JavaScript.
Accolades from parents were numerous during the closing presentation as they expressed how impressed they are. Mr Fadero a parent of one of the participants said he is amazed how much his son had learnt within the one month of enrolling in the program and he intends to support his child by encouraging him to continue to practice even though the program has ended.
Mrs Gbadebo, another parent with two kids enrolled in the program said ‘One of the things I really appreciate about the program is how intentional the instructors are about supporting the children to acquire the skill, only one of my son was in the program last year, but with what the sister saw him do she insisted she will join the program this year, I cannot say thank you enough to the organizers’.

Code Zone 2022 Participant Presentation

Participants Presentation
Code Zone 2022 had 3 classes hold simultaneously for the one month and just like previous editions they associate each class with programming veterans. The HTML & Cascading Style Sheet in-person class was called Team Wium Lie named after Hakon Wium Lie, a Norwagian web pioneer best known for developing Cascading Style Sheet. The HTML & CSS Virtual class was called Team Berners Lee named after Tim Berners Lee, an English computer scientist best known as an inventor of World Wide Web. The JavaScript Virtual class was called Team Gosling named after James Gosling, best known as the founder and lead designer of Java programming Language.

Class in session

Raising Stars through coding
Emerald Zone has always been proud to power Code Zone annually, as a business advisory organization involved in supporting businesses in areas such as Human Resources, Sales, and Marketing etc. and fully involved in training professionals in various fields, we have taken this as our Social project to upskill the young generation in readiness for the future they are growing into’ said Dapo Akinloye Chief Executive, Emerald Zone. ‘We are indeed proud of what all the children have been able to accomplish and we encourage them to build on what they have learnt with an intention to be the best in what they choose to do.