Leadership Immersion Program

August 15, 2019 in Uncategorized

Leaders do the right things, part of which is continuous learning. We just completed a 2 days – 16Hours leadership immersion program for a busy executive, who has taken time out of the usual very busy schedule, to understand the People & HR side of business.

At Emerald Zone, we organise these kind of immersion in HR, Sales/Marketing & Finance. Here, experienced subject matter experts take such business leaders through the fundamentals and core, followed by post session coaching.

For a leader, learning NEVER stops. As you find time to invest in capability development for yourself and teams, you are no doubt paying it forward for growth and continuous improvement.


August 15, 2019 in Uncategorized

“It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one’s acts.” – Mahatma Gandhi.


The Bad news is time flies, the Good news is you are the Pilot.

Every leader and manager of resources must start off the day, month or year with the deliberate commitment to keep standards high, and achieve set objectives. The leader must be accountable to self and all other stakeholders, in putting to the best use, resources at their disposal. That’s your leadership hallmark.

So, at mid term of the year, its a great time to ask a few questions around – what am I doing? and How am I doing?

Such questions will certainly help reposition for a better second half. Duty calls!



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